Saturday 28 February 2015

Foods That Will Boost Your Energy Prior To Workouts

Many people reach the verge of their body’s physical limits at the gym just because they want to look and feel their best. With so much huffing and puffing and bucket loads of sweat that trickles down your body during the intense exercises, you really need all the energy you can get.

This article reveals some of the best foods that you can eat to get instant energy prior to your Jim Stoppani Pre Workout.
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For some people, the terms diet and exercise are completely different. However, what they don’t realize is that these two words are strongly linked together. Regardless of whether your aim is to lose fat, or it is to build muscles, a proper diet and a well-planned exercise regime will work in combination to give you your desired results.

Pre Cardio Foods
Prior to your cardiovascular exercises, you need to eat foods that will give you the maximum energy the moment you start your workout, up till the point when you take the last step.

Here are the foods that you should consider eating before your workout:
Honey – Honey is a favorite of many professional athletes all around the world. It has been consumed for a long time to improve stamina. It is great for providing an energy boost, thanks to the natural sugars that do not affect a person’s blood sugar levels.

Complex Carbs - What could be worse than draining all your energy when you’re just half way through your workout routine? One way to avoid this situation is to load yourself with some complex carbs before your Jim Stoppani pre jym pre workout. Complex carbs release the energy slowly over time and will ensure that you have ample amounts of energy available throughout your workout.
Oatmeal and whole wheat toast are some of the best options and you can add a spoonful of honey to make them not only delicious, but highly nutritious.

Strength Training Foods
Whenever you’re training for strength by performing body resistance exercises, you need to make sure that you have an ample supply of fuel for your muscles. This process tends to tear down your muscles, and when the tears in your muscles heal, this is when they get stronger.

Before your Jim Stoppani Pre Workout, you should eat the following foods to fuel your muscles:

Eggs – When it comes to the muscle healing protein, nothing is better than eggs. Each egg contains around 7 grams of protein, and they are simply a must for all those who are into strength training.  Eggs have somehow developed a bad reputation, particularly when cholesterol is concerned. This is why some health experts recommend that a person should consume no more than 2 eggs per day.

Almonds – Almonds are also quite high in protein as well as healthy fats. These fats help to bring down the cholesterol levels in the body. You can eat just a handful of them to ensure there’s enough fuel to help your muscles with their healing process.

Salmon – Salmon is nothing short of being a blessing. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids that are great for the health of the heart. They can also reduce the inflammation as a result of the intense workouts and make them easier for you.

Pre JYM – Pre JYM is a cutting edge supplement that packs all the power that you need prior to your workout. This supplement includes all the ingredients that are necessary to fuel you for your workouts!

Source : Click Here

Monday 23 February 2015

Top Bodybuilding Tips by Jim Stoppani to Give You Quick Results

Bodybuilding requires some serious effort, determination and time in order to yield desired results that all men want: a muscular, well-toned body. It takes proper planning, a proper diet, and a proper workout if you wish to aim to fulfill your targets.

Here are some tips on bodybuilding by Jim Stoppani to help you get the maximum results possible in the shortest amount of time.

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1. Lift More Weight Over Time
The biggest difference in the rate at which you gain muscle depends on your ability to add weight to the bar over time. If you are not able to add weight over a course of a few months, then it is evident that you are not building muscles as quickly as you should be able to.

The ultimate aim of all bodybuilding workout programs is to progressively increase the weights with time. Once you reach a point where you can no longer increase weights, this is when you will need to start trying out other strategies such as drop sets and supersets.

2. One Rep Short of Failure Is Ideal
The second most important tip is based on the rule of failure. It is commonly believed by a huge number of people that continuing the reps until failure is the best way to build muscle; however, this technique imposes great loads on people’s central nervous system (CNS). After a few months of using this technique, your CNS may just become too exhausted and you may not be able to lift the weight you regularly used.

To avoid this, it is a good idea to stop one or two reps before failure. This will continue to push the body towards its limits without having any negative effects on your CNS.

3. Perform Exercises for Two Muscle Groups at a Given Time
The third Bodybuilding Jim Stoppani tip focuses on compound exercises. To the time and recovery restraints, you can only spend a limited amount of time at the gym. You cannot afford to waste this precious time by performing exercises that are only good for one or two small muscle groups.

It’s best if your workout includes exercises that are good for at least two muscle groups. For instance, consider the shoulder press exercise – it’s not only for shoulders, but also the triceps. Similarly, squats work the quads as well as the hamstrings. The bench press, on the other hand, works with almost 4 different muscle groups, including shoulders, chest, triceps and biceps to a limited degree.

4. Rest is a Requirement, Not a Luxury
One of the most common mistakes that people make is that they work too hard without proper rests in between. Resting isn’t a luxury, it’s a requirement. You need to allow your muscles to heal before going for another workout. If you don’t, you will only be breaking down your body further without allowing it to become stronger. Rest is an important aspect of a bodybuilding Jim Stoppani program.

To get more information about Jym Supplements visit our website.

Source: Click Here

Thursday 19 February 2015

Muscle & Fitness Editor Jim Stoppani Gives the Lowdown on Workout Programs

I first started following Jim Stoppani, Ph.D. when he wrote articles for Muscle & Fitness and Flex Magazine. I probably wouldn't have remembered the name but it piqued my interest that somebody with a doctorate in physiology was finally weighing in on the bodybuilding community. Jim Stoppani always had a no-nonsense approach at Muscle and Fitness that called out a lot of the shady supplement claims and bogus fitness trends that always seem to catch on every few years.

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Recently I took a look at Jim Stoppani's 12 week program "Shortcut to Size". Here Jim Stoppani dishes out everything he's learned about muscle and fitness in one short program. This isn't your typical muscle building and fitness program, as Jim Stoppani brings over a decade in experience and scientific education to the table. So you always get a blend of real science and real world results.

Cycling Your Fitness Program
Jim Stoppani heavily stresses periodization and cycling your fitness regimen to greater increase your muscle building efforts. Thus, this program is broken up into 3 phases, and each phase has 4 micro-cycles. Each part of the program has different types of exercises performed in different rep ranges. As Jim Stoppani explains, it will keep the muscles confused and you keep making progress.

Track Your Muscle and Fitness Efforts
One of things I love about a program like this is that you can easily track your muscle building progress. Each time you finish a phase you move on to the next one and perform the exercises over again, but you can see yourself adding weights every step of the way. Typically I see about a ten pound increase, doing the exact same exercises as I was before. Working out without periodization, it is almost impossible for me to see those types of fitness gains in such a short amount of time.

Split Your Muscle Training
Jim Stoppani gives a lot of freedom to split up your muscle training however you choose, which is great to get the program to fit into your schedule. For example, you can split train Monday and Tuesday, take a Wednesday off, and finish up split training Thursday and Friday. Of course, Stoppani advocates doing some kind of fitness on your off days. So you can easily plan your schedule around a golf outing or a pick-up basketball game with friends.

Muscle and Fitness Techniques
Stoppani's program is filled with hidden gems on muscle training techniques. Only problem is that many of these techniques like drop-sets require having a spotter. So keep that in mind if you're training alone you might have to hassle the guy next to you. But a good workout buddy is great to keep yourself motivated in any case.

Don't expect to find any secret gizmos; Jim Stoppani bodybuilding mostly gives a tried and true program. But it's much better to meet you fitness goals than randomly putting things together wandering around at the gym. Having a structured guide to keep with you with the scientific understanding of periodization is the best way to see your muscle and fitness goals develop fast.

To get more information about Jym Protein visit our website.

Source: Click Here

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Break the Plateau: Bodybuilding Tips from Jim Stoppani

If you've ever hit a workout plateau, you know exactly how frustrating it can be. You might have conditioned yourself to expecting phenomenal bodybuilding gains every time you went into the gym, often times adding 2-5 lbs or more on to every exercise.

But eventually those types of gains come grinding to a halt. You'll often find this is the case when you are doing the same exercise routines over and over again, and lifting the same weights the same time during every workout session. If there is one thing your muscles hate that prevents your bodybuilding goals from being achieved, it's routine. Muscles crave spontaneity. Every workout needs to add variety. Every set needs to go 110% farther than the time you went before. Jim Stoppani has been a tireless advocate of changing up your workout routine, and offers many helpful tips to break any plateau and take your bodybuilding goals to the next level. Here’s just a few:

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1. Workout with a variety of training programs
Jim Stoppani has written numerous guides and workout routines for professional bodybuilding and the amateur enthusiast alike. Don't just do "Back and Bis" one day followed up by "Chest and Tris". It's important to micro-target every muscle group during your workouts.

Instead try a program like "Six Weeks to Sick Arms" to really nail your biceps, triceps, and forearms, and follow up with another program targeting your chest. By planning your routines a few weeks out, you can add greater intensity to the muscles you are focusing on to break any training plateaus you have in your workout.

2. Add variation to every exercise
I've picked up a number of tips and techniques from Jim Stoppani that really focuses on reaching muscle failure during every set. One of them is focusing on negative reps. When I'm blasting my biceps I don't just stick with the same 8-12 routine. Instead, when I reach muscle failure I'll have my spotter assist the weights up and slowly s-t-r-e-t-c-h the weight back to the starting position.

By focusing on the negative rep after reaching muscle failure, you can be assured you were pushing your muscle beyond 100% during your workout. This triggers the muscle building stimuli you'll need to continue to make gains beyond a training plateau.

3. Add Supplements to your workout routines
Supplement research for bodybuilding has come a long way from simply mixing some whey protein and sprinkling in some creatine. One of the reasons you might be hitting a training plateau is that your muscle fibers are simply craving energy and can no longer push beyond those 1 or 2 sets extra each workout. A good pre workout bodybuilding supplement can make the difference between sluggishly being stuck on the same weight during each exercise versus consistently adding a few pounds more every week. Your training progress should be able to show constant improvement if your muscles are being fed the right blend of nutrients.

4. Eat a proper diet
Maybe when you were 16 you were able to constantly stuff your face with junk food while still staying in perfect shape. But those days are long are over once you hit your 20s and your body is craving the right amount of macro nutrients in every meal. Experienced bodybuilding enthusiasts know that regardless of how much you work out, you're not going to see any gains unless you're eating right. Jim Stoppani bodybuilding has loads of research and scientific tips on the kinds of foods you need to be eating to consistently show results.

To get  more information about Jym Supplements visit us.

Source: Click Here

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Bodybuilding with Jim Stoppani, PHD

Recently we started looking at the bodybuilding programs by Jim Stoppani, PHD. Stoppani has been one of the most enthusiastic promoters of periodizing your workouts for greater long term bodybuilding gains. This is a fairly common idea that's been explored before, but if you look around the gyms and trainers around the country you can easily see it's one that is all too often overlooked. So before we get into what exactly it is, let's talk about what it actually helps.

Jim stoppani bodybuilding

The Problem:
Most bodybuilding enthusiasts tend to stick to fairly repetitive routines. Which is to be expected; you pick up a Joe Weider book, you do your 8-12 rep ranges for 3 or 4 sets on some fairly standard exercises and move on to the next. If you're fairly dedicated you'll be tracking your exercises in a workout journal or smartphone app, and you'll be consistently adding more and more weight every time you work out to encourage muscular growth.

The Plateau
But then you hit a problem. Sooner or later it gets more and more difficult to keep adding weight to your bodybuilding routines.

1. It's boring. It's incredibility difficult to stick to the same routine pattern over and over again with the same mental intensity and focus as when you first started.

2. It's repetitive. Without proper planning, you're bound to fall into the trap of doing the same exercises again and again without variety, which ends up poorly conditioning your muscles for the variety of routines it needs to get greater bodybuilding results.

3. It's limited. By exercising the same rep ranges in the same routines, you're only exercising a portion of the muscle fibers your body contains. By changing up your training to include different rep ranges in a variety of exercises, you can more effectively stress the full range of muscle fibers for maximum muscular growth and avoid those fatiguing muscle plateaus.

The Solution
Periodization simply breaks up your bodybuilding into set periods to introduce variation of exercise goals, instead of simply trying to stubbornly add more weight to every exercise. Thus, your goals have a more effective long term approach to increasing your bodybuilding gains. Now we just need a plan.

How it Works
The program we are going to be looking at is the Jim Stoppani Down and Up Mass Program. This bodybuilding program is broken up into three main periods, which each period broken up further by week.

Here's a preview of how it looks:

Down And Up Mass Program (weeks 1-4)
Weeks 1: 9-11 Reps
Week 2: 12-15 Reps
Week 3: 6-8 Reps
Week 4: 16-20 Reps

Down And Up Mass Program (weeks 5-7)
Week 5: 3-5 Reps
Week 6: 21-30 Reps
Week 7: 6-8 Reps

Down And Up Mass Program (weeks 8-10)
Week 8: 16-20 Reps
Week 9: 9-11 Reps
Week 10: 12 – 15 Reps

Of course it's not all just about rep ranges here, but the specific variation of exercises and the intensity that you perform them with. But you can see how adding this type variation recommended by Jim Stoppani's bodybuilding program you can effectively target the full range of muscular strength and conditioning. This probably isn't recommended for beginners, so if you're still adding weight every time you work out you can probably continue doing the familiar 8-12 rep ranges at the gym. But if you're looking to step things up a notch and add some serious muscle gains this summer, definitely look into a periodization routine like the one recommended by Jim Stoppani bodybuilding.

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