Monday 19 January 2015

Greatest Med Training Program and Research Updated

There's no doubting the fact that the more muscle you build the easier it is to get lean.
No, I'm not saying that everyone with a lot of muscle mass is shredded. However, if the same person gains 20 pounds of muscle, it is generally easier for them to get lean than before they built that extra muscle. For decades it was assumed that this was due to the fact that muscle burns more calories than an equivalent amount of body fat. And while that is true, the difference is not significant enough to really make a huge difference in fat loss.

Jim stoppani bodybuilding

While there are many reasons why more muscle means less fat, one plausible mechanisms has to do with the hormone leptin.
Leptin is a hormone released by fat cells that increases metabolic rate and decreases hunger. So you burn more calories yet consume fewer. Most people would assume that the leaner you get the more leptin you would release. Yet a recent 12-week study from Spain combining weight lifting and aerobic exercise found that as you lose body fat your leptin levels decrease. This seems counterintuitive, or at least counterproductive to continued fat loss. However, an earlier study from the same Spanish researchers shows why muscle growth is so important for continued fat loss. And it also shows why combining weight lifting with cardio is the best way to keep fat loss going as compared to cardio alone.

The Spanish researchers reported that in the dominant arm of male pro tennis players, which had 15% more muscle mass than the opposite arm, they also had higher levels of leptin receptors.

Jim's take-home point:

Having more leptin receptors means that bigger muscles would have a higher sensitivity to leptin. This means that you likely would get a bigger spike in metabolic rate despite having lower levels of leptin. And this may be one of the reasons why building bigger muscles can make getting leaner all the easier. It also highlights the fact that the best way to lose body fat and to continue losing body fat over the long term is with a program that combines weight training and cardio. I can't tell you how many times people contact me and ask, "If I want to focus on fat loss should I just do cardio and then lift weights after I lose the fat, or is it OK to also lift weights while trying to lose fat?" My answer is of course that you definitely want to do both for the best fat loss. And this research shows one reason why lifting weights and doing cardio is superior for fat loss than just doing cardio alone. Since cardio doesn't build muscle, but will decrease body fat, it may lower leptin levels, but without an increase in muscle size, may not increase leptin sensitivity enough to offset the lower leptin levels.

Jim Stoppani provides the best services of the MED Training ; Nutrition & Supplementation .Jim has been a part of the most popular training programs since many years.

To get more information about Jim Stoppani Bodybuilding, visit us.

Source: Click Here

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Understanding the Science behind Jym Pre Workout Supplements

The Pre JYM Scientifically Advanced All in One Formula is truly one of a kind supplement specifically designed to fuel people for their pre workouts. It is a highly effective way to boost athletic performance and help you on your journey to physical perfection.

With so many supplements out there, how can you differentiate between the ones that really work, and those that don’t?

This article will discuss the core ingredients of the JYM pre workout supplement to help you fully understand how you will be benefiting by consuming this pre workout fuel!

jim stoppani bodybuilding workout

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
The BCAAs consist of three different amino acids that are directly used by the muscles as a source of energy. These three amino acids are called leucine, isoleucine and valine.
Leucin is the most important amino acid because it is known to stimulate muscle growth. Valine helps to overcome fatigue and thereby enable you to work out for an increased duration.

Citrulline Malate
Citrulline Malate has proven its worth as a powerful energy booster. According to a study, consuming as little as 6 grams of citrulline malate for a period of 15 days can boost your energy by up to 35 percent. Also, another research revealed that consuming the composition of citrulline and malic acid prior to workouts can fuel the body sufficiently to prolong the workout duration.

Creatine HCL
Hundreds and hundreds of studies have been carried out on the benefits of creatine in supplements. Jym pre workout supplements include 2g of Creatine HCL to encourage muscle growth and increase power for workouts.

CarnoSyn® Beta Alanine
Muscle fibers take up beta-alanine and combine it with an amino acid called histidine to form carnosine. Carnosine is known to enhance the strength and power, besides improving endurance and recovery of the body.
According to a research, consuming beta alanine for four weeks by boxers increased their punching power by as much as 2000 percent in the last 10 seconds of the game.

Beta Vulgaris L. Beet Extract
Eating beets as a whole, drinking its juice or taking its extract such as that found in the Pre Jym supplement can significantly enhance exercise performance. The performance gains include enhanced endurance, more power and lesser fatigue.
More power and less fatigue mean more reps in your workouts! This also means significant improvements in your JYM pre workout routines!

Betaine is a modified version of glycine, an amino acid that is known to increase muscle growth as well as increase the size of the muscles.  Researchers at the University of Connecticut revealed that consuming as little as 1.25 grams of betain for at least two weeks can increase bench press power by 20% and more. The research also showed Betain to significantly enhance protein synthesis rates following workouts.

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC)
NAC is an amino acid that exhibits powerful anti-fatigue properties besides encouraging enhanced energy production during JYM pre workout routines. It also increases endurance and strength and considerably delays the onset of fatigue.

To get more info about Jim Stoppani Bodybuilding Workout, visit us.

Source: Click Here

Monday 5 January 2015

5 Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training

bodybuilding jim stoppani

High intensity interval training or HIIT refers to any kind of workouts that alternate between fixed periods of less forceful activity and intense bursts of activity. For instance, sprinting for a minute followed by walking for two minutes is an example of an HIIT workout. This technique can be repeated five times for a 15 minute Jim Stoppani HIIT 100 workout.
This may sound too simple to be true, but read on to learn this effective training can benefit you:

1. It is Efficient
Jim Stoppani HIIT 100 workouts are highly efficient and ideal for those who have a busy schedule. Regardless of whether you want to make use of your lunch break for a quick workout, or whether you want to see fast results for a fast approaching event – the high intensity interval training programs are the way to go.
According to the latest research conducted on this training, as little as 15 minutes of training carried out thrice weekly can yield results that are far better than conventional methods of just jogging on a treadmill!
A 2011 study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting showed that a HIIT for just 2 weeks can improve aerobic capacity to levels equal to that provided by 8 weeks of endurance training.

2. Burns More Fat
Jim Stoppani HIIT 100 workouts burn more calories and get your body’s repair cycle to begin working at optimum levels. This means that you continue to burn more calories 24 hours after a high intensity interval training workout!

3. It Keeps The Heart Healthy
A lot of people simply cannot push into the anaerobic zone. The anaerobic zone is where you feel you cannot breath and it seems as your heart will jump out from your chest. However, extreme training such as Jim Stoppani HIIT 100 produces some of the most extreme results. According to a study, 8 weeks of HIIT workouts allowed people to bicycle twice the distance they used to do before the workouts, and this too while they maintained their pace.
HIIT workouts also stimulate the production of human growth hormone and help to increase the metabolism as well.

4. No Heavy Equipment is Required
HIIT workouts comprise of running, jump roping, rowing, biking and numerous other activities that simply don’t require any heavy equipment at all. These activities are the best to keep your heart rate up. The ultimate aim of Jim Stoppani HIIT 100 workouts is to push your heart to the max!

5. It Helps Lose Weight without Losing Muscle
All of you who have taken up some form of a diet in order to lose weight know that it’s very difficult not to lose muscle mass along with the fat. While it is true that cardio encourages muscle loss, combining weight training with Jim Stoppani HIIT 100 workout can save dieters from losing their precious muscles.
This combination of workout will primarily focus on weight loss as a result of shedding fat, and not muscle!

To get more info about Bodybuilding Jim Stoppani, visit us.

Source: Click Here